Two thousand senior living professionals are gathered at the 2010 Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Ariz. this week to discuss vital topics relevant to senior living and much talked about in business today.
Participants attending the 2010 ALFA Conference & Expo are addressing, among many things, the impact a growing seniors population will have on the field of senior living. The fastest growing demographic in the United States is now the over aged 85 population and the U.S. Census Bureau projects the number of seniors over the age of 65 will more than double in the next 30 years.
“Our members are known as the entrepreneurs of senior living because of their creativity and flexibility in responding to an ever changing market,’’ said Richard Grimes, the president and CEO of the Assisted Living Federation of America. “To maintain that edge, we are examining the critical topics impacting the market our members serve as well as topics where our members continue to advance operational excellence.’’
Demographic Shift Resulting in an Older Nation
Keynote speaker Maddy Dychtwald, co-founder of Age Wave, the demographic forecasting and research firm, set the stage on opening day with a presentation on the mindset of the new aging consumer. She was followed the next morning by keynote speaker Phil Lempert, an expert analyst on consumer behavior often seen on major news networks reporting on consumer trends and changing marketplaces.
The demographic shift will bring about dramatically different demands and expectations for senior living. The baby boomer generation is expected to produce a record number of healthier, wealthier and better educated seniors whose life expectancy is likely to set new records. At the same time, data suggests that a critical mass of independent minded and educated women will emerge as the critical consumer decision-makers for their families.
Senior Living Providers Advance Operational Excellence in Business
The panels and forums at the conference offer opportunities for senior living executives to compare experiences and exchange best practices. To that end, panels are examining innovative ways to approach topics important to business today, such as:
- The “greening’’ of senior living services and communities with the latest in cost effective environmentally sound approaches
- The unique talent and skills, well educated executive women bring to companies
- Ways new technology and social networking can improve business practices, marketing and service delivery
- Integration of the latest in information technology into operational practices
- The importance of disaster planning long before disaster strikes
Speakers and presenters are drawn from a range of specialties to share the latest information and thinking with conference participants and help senior living executives create new and innovative ways to respond to seniors and their families.
About The Assisted Living Federation of America
The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is the largest national association exclusively dedicated to professionally managed assisted living communities and the seniors and families they serve. For 20 years, ALFA has worked to educate policymakers and consumers by advocating for informed choice, quality care, and accessibility for all Americans. ALFA’s member-driven programs promote business and operational excellence through education, research, publications, professional networking and online tools designed to foster collaboration and innovation in the field of senior living. Visit ALFA’s Web site at
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