We all have them.
Big or small, we all have them.
Think back to your earliest memory as a kid.
You had dreams. Maybe it was to be a firefighter. Maybe it was to be a ballerina. Maybe it was something small as having your own radio so you could listen to a ballgame, or catch up on the Top 40 music charts.
Think about today, we still have dreams.
Dreams for our kids, dreams for our grandkids, dreams for ourselves. We are what we are. A bunch of dreamers. But what would it look like if we could make dreams come true?
To each of us, our dreams are very personal. It’s part of what makes us who we are.
10 years ago, Welcome Home Management set out to help make dreams come true. It started with something that we thought was really urgent.
A resident of ours approached us and expressed a desire to see her sister who was in poor health, in another state, one – last – time. Through a lot of brainstorming with our community life coordinators, we hatched a plan to get the resident to see her sister one last time. It was a lot of work, but you know what? It was totally worth it. From that moment, we realized that helping people realize their dream was not only important – it was the right thing to do.
What has been amazing about this program is not just the dreams that we’ve helped make happen, it has been the response from each community as well.
It is always amazing to see the incredible response from the community, and this has been no different.
Today there are random acts of kindness happening every day, and today, we have a chance to do just that for the residents here at Prairie View.
People from all over have heard about this program and wanted to find a way to “do the right thing”. To get involved to help another person fulfill a dream that they have. To me, that is what makes this program so unique and special.
To date, we have helped see over 150 dreams come true. Some were big, some were small, but to us, each one, was incredibly important.
Each dream touches not only the resident, but it touches their families. It touches our team here at Prairie View, and just as important, it touches each one of you in this community.
I want to say a special thank you to the team at Prairie View of Hector for seeing our program and realizing that it was something special that they could do for people who they already consider part of their family. I also want to thank those that helped pull today’s event together. And finally to the donors who are donating their time, their talents, or their ability with our residents. We simply could not have pulled today’s event off without each and every one of you.
Thank you for being part of our special day here at Prairie View. Your presence and help in making these dreams come true will be remembered forever.
Roman Bloemke, Director of Operations, Welcome Home Management Company
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