The Administration on Aging (AOA) awarded 12.8 million dollars in grants, aimed at improving access to services for individuals with Alzheimer’s, while the first meeting of the Alzheimer’s Advisory Council assessed current programs that address Alzheimer’s disease. The grants, which have been awarded to Ohio,…
What's New
Legends at Heritage Place adds “Legends Academy”
October is here and The Legends at Heritage Place is excited about one of their upcoming events for the month. Called “Legends Academy”, their new educational program is focused on providing useful information to family and friends who know someone with memory loss. “This has been a…
Thomas Landing team walks to find an end to Alzheimer’s
What an honor to walk with so many people committed to find and end to Alzheimer’s on Saturday, September 10, 2011. The walk started at 9:30am on a beautiful, sunny day. Walkers of all ages helped raise over $31,000.00 from the Rice Lake area. There…
A Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Today, as many as 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. In addition, 10 million baby boomers are aging, increasing their risk for developing this fatal disease. Now is the time to end this epidemic! But there is something we can do to stop this…